7 min read

Key takeaways

  • As Fresh Clean Threads scaled its business, it needed better liquidity solutions
  • J.P. Morgan One Card provided access to liquidity as well as other important solutions
  • Fresh Clean Threads benefitted from expanded client reach as well as reward points


Founded in 2015, Fresh Clean Threads is a clothing company focused on creating high-quality men’s basic products with an emphasis on sustainability. The company primarily sells its clothing via an online marketplace. As Fresh Clean Threads scaled, better financial solutions were needed to support the business. Specifically, the company needed access to capital to grow their online storefront and reach more customers. Fresh Clean Threads collaborated with J.P. Morgan to support their global operations in the U.S., Canada and the U.K. with best practices and tools to grow their business.

The challenge

With the company’s exponential growth rate, Fresh Clean Threads was outgrowing their financial partners. They were seeking a solution that would adequately support their liquidity needs and give them enough purchasing power to fuel their growth. As an e-commerce business solely operating online, having a payment platform to manage expenses with access to data and insights was imperative.

The business needed a solution to purchase ads, fund suppliers and manufacturers, and afford shipping costs to keep up with the demand. In turn, access to this type of liquidity was able to further grow their business in multiple social channels.

The solution

J.P. Morgan One Card with Rewards helped Fresh Clean Threads get access to the capital they needed to purchase ads on multiple social channels such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. Every dollar spent leads to a point aggregated at the company level, so Fresh Clean Threads can pool their points and redeem for cashback, travel or merchandise.

In addition, One Card enabled the company to purchase more inventory to stock their online storefront and have access to liquidity needed to pay suppliers with favorable terms while earning these rewards.

Further, Fresh Clean Threads consulted with J.P. Morgan to better manage its card usage. During the fall, average spend is much higher to prepare for the busy holiday season. In support of this need, J.P. Morgan’s banking team provided Fresh Clean Threads an appropriately-high credit limit to ensure the business had adequate purchasing power during these busy seasons.

“JPM brings us the power of a big institution with the thoughtful decision making of what feels like individuals that understand our business. They wanted to work with us and put solutions in place that can help us grow.”

The results

By utilizing One Card for all marketing expenses, Fresh Clean Threads was able to add value to their business spend and rewards redemption in the following ways:

  • true

    client reach in the UK, Canada and Europe.

  • true

    Employee discounts
    in various areas including travel.

  • true

    Increased rewards
    via over 12 million rewards points that translated into just over $120,000 from August 2021 to October 2022.

To learn more about how we can support your business, please contact your J.P. Morgan representative.


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